A combination of desk research, surveys, and interviews were conducted to establish what content needs and E&A clients have. The content domain "Connecting People" can be utilized as a foundation for content creation, according to this study. This document includes a content tagline, themes, subjects, and even full-formats.

To identify a User Persona for E&A, extensive desk and field research was undertaken. The research revealed that there was just one distinct User Persona. "Joshua" is the name of this user persona. To see the whole user persona, See page 8.

A message architecture summarizes the strategy of communication goals in a short list of attributes and phrases used by an organization. Through the card sorting experiment that was conducted together with the client, a message architecture could be established.


To determine where there was overlap, the elements of the message architecture were compared to the needs of the clients. As a result, the following sweet spot elements emerged: Transparency, professionalism, and Reliability.

These 3 value supported the creation of a content mission statement. Reliability in this context is that the services provided by E&A will operate in a defined environment without failure. Professionalism is the E&A ethic, which describes the conduct of the employees while doing their job. With transparency is meant to establish the trust and goodwill by building and keeping the company’s reputation for openness and honesty in their business dealings.


The purpose of the content audit was to examine the quality of competitor content. The main purpose was to identify any content gaps that E&A could benefit from. According to the audit, the biggest competitor focuses mostly on brand awareness posts. Posts that trigger logistic business owners can help E&A. "Many of our best possibilities were generated out of need," according to one of the user persona's fundamental aspects.


Recap Strategic Objectives

The gathered information from customer and client interviews revealed which strategic goals E&A should concentrate on. The following strategic objectives were defined in agreement with the customer.

he content marketing funnel was utilized as a guideline to identify what difficulties emerge at what stage in the funnel in order to better structure E&A's content objectives. The objectives are listed below, and they were created using the SMART goals model. The full explanation of how each aim was determined.

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