This report is the justification report for implementing the content strategy for Emma &Arnold Reliable Logistics (E&A). We want to find the best way to upload content to the distribution channel that the chosen persona uses. It is necessary to come to a new content strategy plan to reach the aim and objective of the content strategy. The current content situation at E&A could be improved considerably. This is because at this moment there is no content strategy in place but also because E&A only has direct contact with their customers via their partner company in the logistics business


To effectively create and distribute the content that was developed within the content creation (pitchbook), the current content organization needs to be analysed. To do this effectively, it must first be determined what the ideal content marketing team should look like. In the following subparagraph, existing theory on this topic shall be discussed.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

As the number of content-driven teams has grown, so has the variety of responsibilities that go with them. As a result, one person in an organization may be accountable for many job functions (Koalarank 2021), and in case of E&A, one person will perform different tasks. The key point here is that one individual can conduct multiple operations if they are made aware of these tasks on beforehand. Therefore, clear goals and communications are important. According to Vaara (2021) a flat organizational structure does seem to have fewer layers of management, which means less hierarchy and decentralized decision-making power. However, it’s important to ensure that there is clear communication and collaboration among teams (Vaara, 2021).

2.2 Organisational Structure

At present, E&A takes charge of their content creation, with one of their Co-founders/marketers leading the way. While their website provides useful information, there is still room for improvement  (Krans, 2022). To ensure effective content marketing, we utilized the Content Marketing Institute's framework (2019) as a guide, which highlights six crucial roles. However, due to E&A's small size, the Marketing and Sales Department handles both traditional and digital marketing strategies with ease. To boost their content marketing efforts, Neil Patel recommended several tools, including Trello, Asana, Click Funnels, Canva, SEMRUSH, Hootsuite, and Grammarly (Neil, 2022).

2.3 Workflow

The Filestage workflow was chosen as a guide for the content marketing workflow. This six-stage workflow is crucial for producing top-notch content and includes outlining, writing, reviewing, editing, commissioning graphics, proofreading, and publishing and monitoring  (Mills, 2020). Filestage simplifies the review and feedback process for E&A’s team members and stakeholders, ensuring that their digital content is thoroughly vetted  (Braun, 2023). This centralized tool will help E&A stay organized and efficient throughout the entire workflow.

Workflow & Responsibilities

2.4 Knowledge and Skills

In order for the new content strategy to be successful, it is imperative that E&A properly categorizes the tasks involved into management and execution categories. Responsibilities were organized by hierarchy and assigned to the appropriate positions. The necessary knowledge was gathered from various sources. (Dorland, 2023 & Rose, 2019).


Management Tasks/ Executive leadership team

Lower-Level Tasks/ Execution team

1. Planning: Setting goals, defining objectives, and developing strategies.

1. Execution: Performing tasks assigned by managers.

2. Organizing: Allocating resources, establishing organizational structure.

2. Operational Support: Providing support for daily operations.

3. Leading: Providing leadership, motivating employees, promoting collaboration.

3. Task Completion: Completing assigned tasks within defined timeframes.

4. Decision-making: Analysing information, making critical decisions.

4. Information Sharing: Providing feedback and suggestions to managers.

5. Problem-solving: Addressing complex problems and developing solutions.

5. Skill Development: Continuous learning and acquiring expertise.

6. Performance Evaluation: Assessing performance, providing feedback.


2.5 Method of Analysis

Based on the theoretical framework, we conducted a semi-structured interview with Arnold Mbiydzengeh, the CEO of E&A, to understand their current content organization. Appendix 7.6.1 has the full interview instructions. This will help identify any gaps and lead to recommend improvements to the deliverables.

2.6 Analysis

The E&A team comprises four members, with Arnold leading the content marketing strategy. However, his expertise in managing content marketing is limited, leading to a less-than-optimal strategy. To ensure the team's success, it is recommended to assign specific roles and responsibilities based on each member's skill set (Bigboost, 2022). The suggested roles include Content Marketing Strategist, Operations Manager, Content Creators, Intern, and Additional Team Members. Current Personnel Situation of E&A With Respect to The Content Strategy.

Executive Leadership Team:

  • Content Marketing Strategist/Chief Content officer (Planning, Decision-making, Problem-solving) Arnold, with his extensive experience in analytics tools, SEO, project management, and leadership, is well-suited to take on the responsibility of setting goals and defining objectives for the content marketing strategy, analysing information to make critical decisions, and addressing complex problems that arise in content marketing. To further excel in this role, additional training and support would be beneficial for improving his understanding of content creation and content marketing.
  • Operations Manager (Organizing, Leading, Performance Evaluation) As a member of the current team, Emmanuel is well-suited to take on this role. He will have the responsibility of resource allocation, establishing the organizational structure for E&A, providing leadership and motivation to the team, encouraging collaboration, assessing performance, and offering feedback to team members.

Execution Team:

  • Content Creators (Execution, Skill Development): Given his responsibility for content creation, Rene would be a suitable candidate for this role. It would be beneficial for him to concentrate on further developing his skills in this area and continually expanding his expertise.
  • Intern (Operational Support, Information Sharing): In order to aid in daily operations, the intern will help both the Content Marketing Strategist and Operations Manager. As they gain more knowledge and experience, they will also be able to provide valuable feedback and suggestions to the managers.
  • Additional Team Members (Task Completion): To maintain efficiency and productivity, additional team members can be brought on board to help with task completion as the workload increases and timeframes become more defined (see appendix 7.2 and 7.3 for more detail). E&A organizational structure ensures clarity in responsibilities, and regular communication and assessment can enhance the team's performance. Filestage is suggested as the ideal workflow management tool for E&A. Arnold's experience in WordPress and Photoshop is valuable, but E&A plans to integrate Google Analytics to measure content success. With Filestage, the team can easily share files, collaborate on feedback, and track the progress of the content throughout the approval process  (Braun, 2023). Overall, based on the interview transcript on page 24, it was recommended that approximately 35 hours per month should be allocated for implementing the suggested strategy. The estimated cost for this would be around 700 euro per month and 8,400 euro per year, assuming a rate of 35 euro per hour. It's worth noting that small businesses typically spend between 2000 euro and 10,000 euro on content marketing each month, on average, according to WebFX's recent report for 2022.


E&A’s distribution method will be evaluated in this chapter. This is essentially how the company now publishes content and what techniques it uses to do that. As in the previous chapter, theoretical frameworks will be discussed in this chapter, which will serve as the foundation for the analysis of E&A’s situation. The end of this chapter will discuss the potential gaps between the ideal situation and the existing state of E&A.

3.1 Social media Organic & Owned Media

The rented and owned platforms will be one of the most important avenues for E&A. The rented platforms are channels that are available for promotion but do not belong to E&A. These are mainly social media organic platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, among others. Owned content distribution channels are those that the company owns. As a result, the company can publish information through various platforms without any extra charge. Content on one's own website and blog postings on one's own social media channels are included. Email marketing is also included (Iserloh, 2022).

3.2 Theoretical Framework

Nowadays, social media algorithms have become increasingly important in shaping marketing strategies. As a result, marketers are taking advantage of social networking platforms to promote their brands, which is crucial in enhancing consumer involvement and online engagement  (Jaysingh, 2019). To adapt to these significant algorithm changes, it is essential to focus on creating interactive content. Experts highly recommend that organizations encourage customers to co-create content in order to transition them from a "consuming state" to a "creating state" Muntinga? (Barnhart, 2021). Additionally, it is recommended to evaluate key metrics to measure the current performance of social media channels (Muntinga et al 2011). Among all channels, the engagement rate is the most significant measure, as the social media algorithm places greater weight on content based on active user interaction. There are four main types of content distribution channels: owned, earned, rented, and paid channels, each with several specific distribution channels  (BigBoot, 2022).

3.3 Method of Analysis

We interviewed co-founder Arnold Mbiydzengeh to understand more about the company’s content distribution channels and how online content was monitored. To assess the overall effectiveness of the content on social media sites and pinpoint any gaps, an interview guide was created based on the theoretical framework (see appendix 7.6.1).

3.4 Analysis

In the interview, Arnold indicated that they have a LinkedIn page, but “we have not actively been posting anything in it” (appendix 7.6.2). Also, no other social media channels are used by E&A. The content audit conducted earlier this year indicated that the engagement rate on the content posted was low. The key reason being that the content posted was solely a brand awareness post of the company, which contained no added value for the content mission statement.

The evaluation of E&A’s current content distribution method is presented through a theoretical framework. The focus is placed on social media organic and owned media channels, with an emphasis on the increasing importance of social media platforms in marketing funnels due to algorithm developments. To adapt organic social media strategies accordingly, the text highlights the effectiveness of interactive content and encouraging consumer co-creation in boosting organic reach and engagement without incurring extra costs. For more information see appendix 7.6.2.

Additionally, it provides a strong recommendation to implement key strategies that will significantly increase social media engagement. These strategies include humanizing content, building strong relationships with audiences, and incorporating impactful visual elements by (Barnhart, 2021).

Categorizing content distribution channels into four distinct types – owned, earned, rented, and paid – the framework identifies owned media as the most cost-effective option for content creation. Moreover, it highlights the critical role of website architecture in organizing content effectively. To evaluate the effectiveness of E&A’s content distribution approach, the co-founder was interviewed to identify areas for improvement. The framework aims to offer valuable insights into E&A’s content distribution landscape to significantly enhance the brand’s online presence and optimize its performance across multiple social media platforms.

3.5 SEO & SEA

The process of improving a website or web page so that it appears better in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is known as search engine optimization (SEO). The website architecture design organizes content around a central hub. The hub and spoke structure allow for a hierarchical organization of content that makes it easier for users to navigate through the website and find more information they need (Steele, 2022). 

It is important to give priority to SEO in order to increase website visibility, attract more traffic, and generate higher revenue. In this section, we will conduct a thorough evaluation of E&A’s current SEO and Search Engine Advertising (SEA) strategies and recommend the most effective approach for achieving maximum impact. E&A has the potential to greatly improve their online presence and overall performance through optimization techniques.

3.5.1 Theoretical Framework

Improving a website’s visibility on search engines is a process known as SEO. It involves identifying the keywords that search engines use to understand the content of a website (Media, 2022). To optimize a website for search engines, keyword research is essential. This process includes identifying words and phrases that people use to search for content related to the organization. Once the keywords are identified, the website’s content should be optimized for both users and search engines. Building high-quality backlinks to the website and optimizing its speed, structure, and mobile responsiveness are also important (Yalcin, 2010). To generate quality backlinks, experts recommend starting by creating quality content. A thorough keyword research should be conducted to target this effectively. To ensure that a website is well-constructed, it is important to include standardized URL structure, ensure internal linking, and check web regularly (HubSpot B, 2021).

3.5.2 Method of Analysis

A preliminary knowledge of what should constitute strong SEO performance has been given by the HubSpot (2021). Based on this, an analysis of the state of E&A SEO strategy can be done.

SEMrush was utilized to evaluate the website’s existing performance. This tool can provide information about the effectiveness of the existing SEO strategy. In addition to using this tool, Arnold was asked a series of questions on SEO and SEA via a semi-structured interview. He indicated that he has no experience with SEO because he has not created an SEO Strategy for E&A (appendix 7.6.2 interview script).

3.5.3 Analysis

Online success depends on increasing website visibility, attracting more visitors, and earning more revenue. Optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrases is one technique to accomplish these objectives. Keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO are some of the essential components involved in this. It is crucial to conduct thorough keyword research in order to target the appropriate audience and optimize content. A well-structured website with a consistent URL structure, internal linking, and annual technical audits is also essential for successful SEO (HubSpot B, 2021). Arnold has no prior expertise in developing an SEO strategy for the company, and according to the study done using SEMrush and Arnold’s claims, it appears that E&A currently lacks a good SEO strategy.

E&A may enhance its online presence and draw in more potential customers by working with an SEO professional or agency to create and implement a thorough SEO strategy. Researching keywords, optimizing web pages, producing high-quality content, adhering to technical SEO best practices, and regularly checking performance are important components. Examining SEA can help a website become more visible and draw in targeted visitors. These initiatives can improve content marketing and help E&A expand and succeed. To ensure a properly constructed website for E&A, it is recommended to implement the elements listed in HubSpot B (2021).


This final chapter evaluates the current form of content monitoring, which is important because it determines if the organization has the capability to evaluate content performance and make improvements or enhancements. Arnold the co-founder indicated that he does not have any experience in google analytics, but that he can read and interpret data. E&A is not currently using any monitoring tools, such as metrics and KPIs.

4.1 Theoretical Framework

Media monitoring is the process of identifying and determining what is being said about a brand, individual or product through different social and online channels (Navigate360, 2023). Through using media monitoring tools, insights can be gained on what content works, which channels work better than others, which media platforms people use to engage with your business. Most importantly, it can help a business “strengthen their position” (Wroblewski, 2019).  Lina Petrova (2021) advised to “audit the existing content and analyse the competitors.

On the basis of this research, objectives and clear goals for the content can be set. From this, the organization will learn how well a piece of content is doing. The four stages listed below should be followed (Petrova, 2021):

  • Setting Evaluation Objective: Determine the appropriate content format and where it fits in the content marketing funnel. With this knowledge, the right metrics can be determined.
  • Identifying KPIs &Metrics: Determine the benchmark for the statistic by evaluating similar pieces of content for one’s own website (in this case E&A) and that of one’s competitors (LKW Walter).
  • Management Decision Marketing: Determine what a successful content format (and duration) should look like by comparing it to our own prior content and the competitor’s current content.
  • Finally, Report Generation: determine how long it would take before the content type would reach the predetermined level of the metric.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to assess the accomplishment or failure of specific organization goals. KPIs could be used, for instance, to monitor client satisfaction, website traffic, social media engagement, and other crucial business-related metrics.

Once the company has an idea of the company's public perception, it can:

  • Set evaluation objectives.
  • Build brand credibility and authenticity.
  • Identify KPIs & Metrics.
  • Manage decision marketing and report generation.
  • Do data collection and analysis.

Petrova (2021) suggests monitoring (and carrying out) a content audit to keep track of what material works well and what content does not. The integration of Google Analytics into the company’s website is crucial. Google analytics tools can also assist in increasing the online visibility of the company’s ecommerce stores. The company may respond to what is being said about the company on social media and, as a result, try to reconnect with potential customers (Kelsey, 2017).

4.2 Method of Analysis

We adopted two methods: (1) a theoretical framework to analyse the current content organization in terms of content monitoring tools (KPIs) and (2) an interview with one of the co-founders, Arnold, to determine whether the content is monitored, and if so, how that is done. Since theory is just emerging in this field, it was important for us to develop our knowledge and understanding of how in practice things work within E&A.

4.3 Analysis

E&A current content monitoring is evaluated in the presented theoretical framework, which emphasizes the importance of media monitoring to understand how people engage with the business and what is being said about the brand across different social and online channels. As noted by co-founder Arnold, E&A currently lacks experience in using monitoring tools like Google Analytics and does not employ any metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) for content evaluation.

By setting evaluation objectives and identifying KPIs and metrics, E&A can establish clear goals for content and learn how well it performs. The framework recommends conducting a content audit to assess material effectiveness, integrating Google Analytics into the website, and utilizing data collection and analysis to improve online visibility and reconnect with potential customers on social media. Implementation of these strategies will help E&A strengthen their content monitoring capabilities, enhance brand credibility, and make data-driven decisions to optimize content marketing efforts.

4.4 Gaps

For content monitoring we compared the ideal and current state. The most crucial factors with respect to “objective setting”, “monitoring tools”, and “content audit” were gathered from the literature review and we found that there were gaps for all these factors (see appendix 7.5.9).


For E&A Logistics, putting into practice a clearly defined content strategy is crucial. Goals, target audience, content types, distribution channels, and KPIs should all be included. This content strategy will direct the online creation of content and distribution so that it is in line with the goals of the company (E&A). As E&A grows, it is essential to build a dedicated content team with specialized positions. Consider hiring professionals who can handle content creation, content strategy, content editing, graphic design, etc. By doing so, E&A will ensure that content creation is done professionally, which will increase overall effectiveness. For E&A to improve their online content, they need to invest in marketing tools such as project management platforms (Trello, Asana), marketing toolkits (SEMRush), social media Management tools (Hootsuite), and content creation tools (Canva), Marketing automation tools (Click Funnels) and copywriting tools (Grammarly).  Regarding the workflow, we recommend Filestage workflow, because it is a flexible platform that can be customized to the specific needs of E&A.

In terms of increasing content distribution channels, it is recommended that E&A should expand its content distribution platform beyond the website and use the hub and spoke website structure, by making use of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. For E&A to have their content showing up in search engine results, they should conduct in-depth keyword research and focus on on-page optimization, including headings, meta tags, and keyword-rich content. They should consider using paid advertising platforms like Google Ads to improve their visibility online and attract a targeted audience. Lastly, content marketing requires investment, so a specific budget should be set aside for content marketing. When decisions are made concerning the budget, E&A should be aware that typically budgets for companies their size are between 2,000 and 10,000 euro per month.

The organization is advised to focus on networking and building a logistics community through an annual event as suggested in the previous module (‘Production Treatment’). Although the annual event does not fully align with the online content objective, it is considered to be the best strategy to engage with current customers.